Cuba Evening Review, Wed., May 10, 1882
"Row" at Richburg
A good sized row occurred at Richburg, Wednesday morning. Thomas Cheney, accompanied by two fellow gamblers, went into a disreputable drinking hole, known as Gregory's saloon, and ordered champagne. A boy who was tending bar started to get it from them, when Frank Caisse, the regular bar-tender, entered and told him not to give it to Cheney, as he was not able to pay for it. Cheney made an insulting reply and angry words ensued.
At last Cheney walked out of the saloon and stood on the sidewalk, when Caisse came out and walking to him, dealt him a stunning blow over the eye, knocking him down. Cheney sprang to his feet and seizing two stones ran up to Caisse and struck him on the back of the head. Caisse was severely injured. Medical aid was summoned, when it was found that the brain was badly injured. It is thought, however, that the injury will not be permanent. Both men were intoxicated.