
The following items were taken from the Allegany County Democrat of October 12, 1892:

The 1875 census of Willing was taken by S. A. Elliott of Wellsville;

Some of the deaths in that year were:

Elic McVeigh, age 67, liver complaint

Mariah Graves, age 48, consumption

Name not copied of one from enlargement of the liver & one from "paralesis"

Rosbind Stills (last name not too legible) suicide by cutting throat

Jane Graves, 83, b. Pa. old age

Bernard Hawkes, 82, b. Mass; wound on foot

Miller Richmond, 2 & 3/12, congestion

Marriages during the year were:

Warren Billings & Estelle Leach, Sept. 5

Ortho Richmond & Martha Wood, Oct. 3

Frank Bingley & Sue Billings, Oct. 11

Charles Underwood & Susan Graves, March 18.


"Beat This"

We the undersigned potato diggers of the Town of Willing did dig, pick up, draw and

put in the cellar 250 bushels of potatoes inside of ten hours on Azariah Beach's farm

near Yorks Corners on the 7th day of October, 1892. 

C. A. Gardner

M. Loaring

H. E. Med

A. Goodridge