From the Wellsville Daily Reporter, October 15, 1910.
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
The Man Who Is Fighting for Honest Methods in Politics In This State was Welcomed By a Large and Enthusiastic Crowd in Wellsville.
Theodore Roosevelt, ex-president, ex-governor, ex-soldier and one of the ablest campaign speakers in the United States, after a day of strenuous preaching of the doctrine of good citizenship and lambasting Wall Street and Tammany Hall through Western New York arrived in Wellsville at about 5:40 Friday afternoon. He and his party were met at the Erie station by a committee of citizens with autos and hurried to the Baldwin Theatre for a twenty-minute address.
The Colonel was welcomed by the large crowd with enthusiastic cheering when he stepped to the front of the stage, the audience standing and the Wellsville Concert Band playing “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Hon. George H. Witter, in a clear and distinct voice introduced the eminent speaker who immediately got right down to business in a true Rooseveltian manner and gave his hearers, which included many men from different sections of the county, a clean and clear cut talk for twenty minutes.
It is estimated there were between 1,200 and 1,400 souls in the Baldwin Theatre during Mr. Roosevelt’s talk.
It was as orderly and well behaved a gathering as ever assembled to hear a discussion of political matter.
Previously to the hour named for the public to be admitted to the Theatre Main street and taken on a regular holiday appearance of the patriotic sort and American flags were profusely displayed from flagstaffs, and windows in honor of Colonel Roosevelt.
The arrangements for the meeting and the plans for utilizing to advantage every minute of time that could be given to the audience to hear Mr. Roosevelt were excellent and Senator Geo. H. Witter and Postmaster Frank Higgins are entitled to a vote of thanks for the masterly way they and their assistants executed the duties necessarily involved in making the meeting the success it was.