(Photo from Archives of David A. Howe Public Library-Wellsville, NY; Researched by Mary Rhodes.)
"Laying the First Brick in Paving of Main Street"

FROM BACK OF PHOTO: "Episcopal Church and Mrs. Crofoot's Residence in the background. J. H. Brown, Mayor of Village, reaching for first brick in laying pavement on North Main Street. Directly behind him stands Charles Lee, to the right W. J. Gallman, Timothy Eagan, Robert Crittenden, Grant Duke I. Directly behind Charles Lee stands John Brown and E. A. Rathbone. E. Willard Barnes, Sr. stands a little to the right of Grant Duke and has straw hat on".
Quotes from: "A History of the Town of Wellsville,New York (1795-1963) by Martha Howe; published by Benson Smythe Publishing-Christina Case Wightman-Wellsville,NY." Page 25: "The village records show a contract was granted for brick pavement, March 30, 1900. On October 26, 1900, the first pavement was completed from State Street to Central Place on North Main Street."
Page 27: "In 1908 a brick pavement was laid on West State Street. The village streets were improved and the outlying roads rebuilt as aid to better travel for the autos. Soon the stagecoaches disappeared and the rural mail carriers were riding in cars instead of driving horses."