(I personally take credit for all transcription errors; I have editorialized by transcribing only the newsworthy items that affect Allegany County....Ron Taylor)
--A new cheese factory is to be erected at Knight's creek, Allegany County.
--The mills of William Midbaugh (sic) of Scio, located at Millgrove, were totally destroyed by fire a few days since. Loss $10,000. No insurance. (Middaugh)
--A large new school edifice is being erected in District No. 2 Wellsville.
--The Wellsville Division of Sons of Temperance, has given up its charter and ceased to exist.
--The different societies of the Alfred University, are to hold a series of jubilee sessions during the holiday season.
--Mrs. Partridge, who has been confined at Angelica on the charge of arson, escaped from the jail in that village, on last Friday night.
--Freeborn Hamilton, who died at his residence near Baker's Bridge, Allegany county, on the 8th wit., was one of the oldest settlers in this part of the country, coming to that county in 1815.
--A grand ball is to come off at Brown's Hall in Wellsville, New Year's Eve. A person holding a ticket to the ball, has one chance in three hundred of drawing a $400 horse.
--A number of capitalists of Andover have formed themselves into a company, with a working capital of $25,000. They intend to start some manufacturing business.
--Oil has been discovered at Whitesville in large quantities, and it is thought that the well will yield at least forty barrels per day. The oil so far has proved to be of good quality, and great hopes are entertained that the oil business will yet be a payone at Whitesville. We don't advise our friends in these parts to "bore", but who knows but that oil can be found here as well as there.
--Cottrell & Green is the name of a new firm which will open the Grocery business in Almond, on the first day of April. Their store will be next to the Post Office. Both are good fellows, and we wish them success.
--Auction.--J. Cottrell and P. L. Green will sell on Tuesday, Dec. 28, on the McHenry farm, three miles west of Almond, horses, cows, 60 head of sheep, wagons. &c. Wm. J. Lever, auctioneer.