
June 30, 1899 - Wellsville Daily Reporter - Wellsville,NY



            Frightened Horse Came Near Running Over Two Ladies Near the Lincoln Block

          - Yesterday afternoon a team of horses attached to a heavy wagon and belonging to Henry Howard, who lives near Allentown, became frightened and ran from in front of Weatherby & Keller's store to Pearl Street. At this point the team took to the sidewalk in front of the Lincoln Block (Community Center) one of the horses falling while the other dragged it on until they struck the fence surrounding Jas. Thornton's yard where they were stopped. The team just missed a mowing machine and buggy in front of Palmer & Richards store which saved the horses from being badly cut.

            Mrs. Michael O'Connor of Farnum Street accompanied by Miss Mary Long of Brattleboro, VT, who is her guest, were in front of the store when the frightened horses came bearing down on them and had a very narrow escape, and the fence alone saved them from being run down and trampled upon. Miss Long has just returned from the west where she was visiting within a few miles of Richmond, WIS, and had hardly recovered from the fright of the terrible cyclone which devastated that town. Her narrow escape yesterday leads her to believe that Vermont is the only safe state to stay in and she will make arrangements to return home as soon as possible.