Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
From files of the Allegany County Historian.
Allegany County Democrat May 11, 1877
Temperance Movement in Ward.
PHILLIPS’ CREEK, April 30th, 1877.
On Sunday evening the people of Ward made their initiatory movement in the grand temperance revival which is making such wholesome and wholesale reform throughout our land.
Mr. Geo. B. Cannon, of Elmira, a member of the Senior Class, at Alfred University who is well and favorable known as an elocutionist, was invited to address the citizens of our town on the subject of temperance, in which he is greatly interested.
A large congregation assembled in the Baptist church; indeed, so large a congregation rarely convenes there.
Mr. Wardner, of West Almond was called upon to preside. Upon taking the chair he made some well-timed remarks, stating among other things, that he had been interested in a similar movement fifty years ago.
The Alfred Centre cornet band kindly volunteered their services in the interest of the temperance cause and greatly enlivened the meeting with excellent music.
Mr. Cannon’s address was instructive, in interesting and highly convincing.
His frequent introduction of poetic fragments, or complete poems, made his speech one of great artistic merit.
He portrayed the evils of intemperance with singular power. At the close of the lecture one hundred and sixteen persons, many of them apparently heads of families, sighed the pledge and assumed the blue ribbon inscribed “Dare to do right.”
A town Temperance Union we trust will soon be organized.