Swain news by Julia Weaver
SWAIN, March 24, - Mrs. Ted Sleggs of Cuba, Mrs. Stanley Slusser of Castile and Mrs. Johnny Dieter spent from March 8 until March 15 with their aunt, Mrs. Gerry Hartman, and their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ashleigh Gemmel of Florida. They had a very enjoyable time and id some sightseeing while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert France, Dale Dailey, Heidi and Eric attended the Campfire Girls birthday banquet March 17 at the Middle School in Hornell. It was well attended by many parents and grandparents. Dale is one of the den mothers for the Canaseraga area.
At this writing, Mrs. Nellie Parker of Olean is a patient at St. Francis Hospital there. She was admitted March 13 and had surgery March 17. She is getting along nicely. By the time this is printed, she will probably be home so cards may be sent to her home address: 406 North 9th St., Olean, N.Y. 14760.
Mrs. Brian May was a recent caller of Mrs. Lyle Weaver. She has had some other friends visiting her.
Mrs. Will Swain spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Swain and was a supper guest there.
Mrs. Delbert France attended a Tupperware party Thursday afternoon, March 18, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eldon Garwood.
Mrs. Delbert France, dale Dailey, Heidi and Eric and Mrs. Carl Sleight were recent callers of Julia Weaver.
Mrs. Ed Harrington and children of Dalton were recent callers of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sleight.
Mrs. Julia Weaver and son Harry were at the Rochester airport March 17. Sherry and Corey left by lane for Florida to spend a few days. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox, have been in Florida since the end of February. Sherry and Corey will return home with them at the end of March. They are enjoying the nice hot weather, with temperatures in the 80s and 90s. They have been visiting Disney World and doing quite a bit of fishing. Corey is busy feeding the raccoons and playing in the sand.
The Winter Carnival was held March 6 and 7 at the Swain ski slopes, with a big crowd both days. That was the end of the races for the season.
Mrs. Julia Weaver and Harry were March 17 callers of Mrs. Larry Weaver of Rochester. Billie is feeling much better but hasn’t been able to return to work yet.
Mrs. Eldon Garwood enteretained at a Tupperware party at her home Thursday afternoon, March 18.
Mrs. Carl Sleight entertained at a Tupperware party at the Town Hall Tuesday evening, March 23.
(The Nunda News, Thursday, April 1, 1982 – page 5)
Swain (9 miles southeast of Nunda)
Mrs. Ernest Blakley, Correspondent
SWAIN, April 24 – Mr. and Mrs. Philip Guay and children of Buffalo were guests of Mrs. Jennie Pitcher Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Fanny Guay returned home with them. – Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thompson and daughter of Nunda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Yencer and family. – Mrs. Ben Blakley and Mr. Ronald Blakley called on Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wilkins of Canaseraga Friday evening. Mr. G. B. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stuart of Hornell and relatives of Washington were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright. – Mrs. Louise Linzy of Canaseraga was a caller at Mrs. Pitcher’s Friday evening. – Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neetz, Mrs. Gertrude Wood, Mr. William Swain Mr. Harold Swain and Mr. and Mrs. Omar Boyd attended the funeral of Frank Boyd in Nunda Friday afternoon. – Mr. and Mrs. Omar Boyd were dinner guests Dunday of Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Dresser and family. – Pvt. Charles Neetz and Charles May were in Canaseraga Monday. – Mrs. Irma Babcock spent Sunday with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McTarnaghan, in Nunda. – Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Slusser of Castile were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Ludwig, and family.
(The Nunda News, Friday, April 26, 1946)
Luella Blakley, Correspondent
SWAIN, Oct. 31 – Worth remembering : “Happiness consists in not only doing what we like to do, but in liking what we have to do.” – A district missionary meeting of Grove, Swain, Wayland, Warsaw and East Benington churches was held at Grove, Oct. 18. Dr. E. L. Farnum, missionary to China for 27 years, was the speaker. He spoke on his experience of aggression by Communism, and the need for people to support he Christian church to rub out Communism. – Mrs. Emily Dodge has gone to Lancaster to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Ward Griffith. – Charles Neetz is driving a new Chevrolet sedan. – On the sick list are Mrs. Ben Blakley, Mrs. Fred Neetz, Mrs. E.D. Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wirt. – Recent visitors at the Merrill home were Mrs. Paul Schneider of Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright of Syracuse, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stuart of Hornell, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holdridge and son of Birdsall, Mrs. Frank Combs and Mrs. Matt Leach of Garwood and James Thomas and son John, of Scranton, Pa. – Mrs. Warren Wilkins, Nunda, spent Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blakley. – The Women’s Aid society will serve election day dinner at noon and lunch at 6 p.m., Nov. 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cobin. – Mr. and Mrs. Warren Tucker and children, of Batavia, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.O. Tucker, Sunday. – Mrs. Erma Babcock spent a few days visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles McTarnaghan, and husband at Nunda. – Ernest Rayan of Attica was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Cobin a few days this week.
(The Nunda News, Friday, November 2, 1951)