(The Nunda News, 1910-1911)
Dalton Department
Personals and News Notes
Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Fox, of the White Settlement, are the happy parents of a son, born July 18.
Prof. Salisbury visited friends at Wayland, Sunday.
Mrs. Louise Smith and daughter, of Grove, was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Henry Swender, on Wednesday.
Miss Lethra Helm is taking elocution lessons of Miss Percis Gardner, at Hunt.
Randal Parkes, of Hunt, took dinner with Ernest Symes and family, Tuesday.
Oakland street is being graveled which will make a good road, as it has always been wet there.
(The Nunda News, Vol 51, 1910-1911)
Mrs. D. Henry was a guest of her brother, Mr. Thompson, on East Hill last week.
Mrs. Will Pitcher, of Swains, is here taking care of Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, who is very poorly.
Miss Nellie Brown, of Buffalo, was a guest of her uncle and aunt, Will Kellogg and wife, the latter part of the week.
Charles Harrington has moved from the Dr. Kneeland farm to the place he recently purchased in the White Settlement of Charles Criddle.
E. Walter Moses was home from Albany the latter part of the week, returning Sunday evening.
Mrs. Henry Ames was a guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. L. Wirt, of Swain, over Sunday.
Baker and Paine shipped a carload of stock to New York on Saturday last.
John Mitchell ad wife entertained their son, Thomas , and wife, and their daughter, Mrs. Robert Gibson, and family of Hunt, to a family dinner.