New Saddle and Harness Shop in Cuba
(From the Angelica Reporter, March 4, 1851. Contributed by Craig Braack.)
Reuben Hills would inform the inhabitants of Cuba and the community at large , that he has removed his large and extensive Saddlery Establishment from Angelica to Cuba village, and having bo't the house and lot of Mr. A.T. Crozier, and settled himself permanently , he intends to carry on the SADDLERY business as extensively as the place will admit of.
Knowing that Allegany county is coming up in the world, and is not far behind the best counties in the State, and believing that her people want a good Harness as the people of the brag counties, he has been at considerable pains to procure some of the best workmen the State affords, and is prepared to make Harness from $12 to $200. He intends to keep on hand a good assortment of Harness, Saddles, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Bridles, Trunks, Halters, Circingles, Whips, and, in fact, everything usually kept in such establishments.