
from Cuba Patriot -- 2/4/1886


One Who Had Lived Under Every President.

Kendall WiIder, one of the pioneer residents of this town, died Wednesday afternoon of last week, at the residence of his son Chas. Wilder, three miles east of this village, where for many years he had made his home. He was in his 93d year, having been born in July, 1794. Even to this great age Mr. Wilder had retained his mental faculties in a marked degree, and his general health had also been good, though an affection of the lower limbs had prevented him from walking about for several years.
We do not know how early Mr. Wilder became a resident of this town, but that it was quite early in the century is evident from the fact that he was one of ten who joined in organizing the Presbyterian church in this village at a meeting convened for that purpose July 19,1827. The meeting was held in a framed barn still standing near the old Phelps mill, owned then by John Nash. The names of those who participated were Henry Stevens, Eleanor Baird, William Hicks., Lucy Hicks, Kendall Wilder, Lucy Kennedy, Guerdon Kennedy, Margaret Huntley, Horatio W. Orton and Eunice Brownson. Of these Mr. Wider has for many years been the only survivor. He was one of the first Elders of the church, being ordained in 1833, thus holding this title for fifty three years, and faithfully performing the duties until the infirmities of age prevented. To the older residents he was known as a thrifty, prosperous citizen, active and upright, but for years he has been quietly waiting for the summons of death, surrounded by the comforts due his industry and enjoying to the last the consolations of his faith.
There was quite a large attendance, at his funeral Friday. Rev. Mr. Luce attended and the interment took place in the village cemetery.
It is a fact worthy of mention, that though this nation is already a giant, this one man's life nearly spans its whole existence. Mr. Wilder was born while Washington was President, and has therefore lived under every President.