
21 Mile Transit Line Survey Stone that Bill Short Found

Bill Short found this stone on his property when he was putting the back-9 at his golf course at Transit Bridge.  According to county historian Craig Braack, the whereabouts of the stone is presently unknown. Braack notes that "you can read the # 21 on the stone.  This marks the 21 mile stone from the Pa. State Line."

Ron Taylor comments:

Bill Short and wife built the “Six S Golf Course” and ran it at Transit Bridge for many years. In later years of the course with that name, their Son, Larry, in partnership with other family members owned the club. The club was built into a 36 hole golf club and very active when it was sold to the present owners who renamed it and closed 9 holes, aka “The Hill Course”.

I believe that this marker was one that was placed during the 1798-1800 survey of Western New York by Holland Land Company.  The markings are exactly the same (except the mile number) as the stone which resides in the Museum of Allegany County Historical Society.  

"W & J W" are the initials of the Wilhelm family of Netherlands that owned,  financed and sold much of western New York State and were backers of the Holland Land Company.