Transcribed from the Andover News, August 29, 1913.
Andover People Proud Of New And Splendid Equipment
The United States Post office in Andover was moved Monday morning from its former location on North Main Street. to the O. E. Vars cement block, corner of Main and Greenwood streets, a ten year lease having been made for the use of the building by the government.
When the doors were thrown open to the public Monday morning, the patrons of the office were greatly surprised. Andover people have thought a good many years that we had about as nobby a post office equipment as a town of our size could fairly expect, but the one they met this Monday morning, was such a vast improvement over anything heretofore enjoyed in Andover, that it hardly seemed possible that was the Andover post office, with such a splendid new equipment and roomy surroundings.
The new case is from the firm of John McLane, and is of solid mahogany––no veneer or imitation mahogany, but the real wood itself,––and is a case suitable for any city office. Beside the large number of call boxes, the equipment includes numerous patent keyless and Yale-Towne boxes.
In this connection it as well to note the growth of the Andover post office, it now takes five people to handle the mails that come in and depart from this office: W. F. O'Connell, postmaster; Mrs. M. Bettinger, Assistant Postmaster; Miss Catherine Gallagher, Clerk; and two rural free delivery carriers, Ed. Kinney of route No. 1, and Jesse Baker, of route No. 2.