
Transcribed from the Andover News, July 22, 1910.


Observe[s] Seventieth Anniversary

Andover Methodist Episcopal Church Hold Special Services Sunday in Commemoration of its Organization

Last Sunday was observed the seventieth anniversary of the organization of the Andover Methodist Episcopal Church. The act of incorporation bears date, June 9, 1840. The names of the first board of Trustees was as follows: Loring Leonard, Orlando Kaple, William Hardy, Ira S. Mills, Jason Hunt, J. S. Martin, and Isaac W. Page. At the time of organization, the church consisted of eleven members. It will be interesting to know who these were but the records do not give their names. From that small beginning the church has grown in numbers and influence, effecting as is believed, great good in the community.

During the 70 years since the society was organized, it has occupied three buildings. The first stood where the present one stands. It was dedicated December 15, 1840, and cost about seven hundred dollars.

Andover ME-Church 1840

(Photo submitted by William A. Greene; It is believed 2nd building is at right side of photo & is no longer standing)

The second building, the one now owned by the Seventh Day Baptists, was next built and cost about two thousand dollars. This was used for twenty years, by which time it became too small and was, in 1862 sold to the above organization.

It was during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Davis that occurred the greatest revival in the history of this church. One hundred and seventy-five persons professed conversion. Since then there have been revivals, but none so sweeping, or far-reaching in effect. The present brick church was erected during the pastorate of Rev. Mr. Cook, and dedicated by his successor, the Rev. David Nuttin, in 1873. The cost of the building was thirteen thousand dollars. This amount did not include the value of the land as that was owned by the society.

Last Sunday morning, our pastor preached on the theme, “Our Inheritance” endeavoring to show that a great material, moral, and spiritual inheritance had been handed down by the founders of the church, and those who have since laboured in, and for it. The church was beautifully decorated, among the decorations were two large cards, one bearing the date 1840, the other 1910.

The following is a list of pastors who have served the church. It is not claimed that this list is absolutely correct, but it as nearly so as possible, owing the brief and imperfect records from which it is taken. The records show the dates of appointment of only a few in the list: Alvin Torry, Samuel Nichols, J. St. John, William Jones, S. J. Martin, Curtis Graham, William Manning, L. Benjamin, J. J. Ashworth, Bush, (no initials,) J. Shaw, Pindar Nortrop, H. Wisener, A. Davidson, S. B. Dickerson, Roger Madison, Thomas Jolly, Henry Harpst, Bronson, (no initials,) W. Post, Cook (no initials given,) A. N. Fillmore, David Nuttin, E. A. Rice, E. B. Williams, Andrew Sutherland, R. C. Grames, P. P. Sower, G. W. Gibson, J. M. Leach, W. B. Wagoner, S. D. Pickett, G.W. Adams, M. E. Hedding, G. H. Patterson, J. W. Wright. Total number of pastors, 38.