
May 9, 1894 - Andover News


A LIST OF male Residents of Andover Who have Passed the Alotted Scriptural Age.

"How many men do you suppose there are in Andover who are seventy or more years old?" was the inquiry addressed not long since by Mr. M. H. Harman to a number of different people. One man guessed fifteen, another placed it at twenty five, and others placed it at various numbers between those limits: but no one who made an estimate thought there were more than twenty five who had passed the seventieth milestone.

The discussion of this mater arose after the death of Hiram Davis and Almeron Oatley, who recently died within two days of each other, and who were both over 70 years old.

Mr. Harman at once went to work to ascertain what the number really was, and also to learn the ages of those whose names he secured. He made a list, which at first contained fifteen or twenty names (those who could be called to mind on short notice.) Each day the list grew, and grew until Mr. Harman’ls little book contained the names of fifty-five persons, with the age of each. We print the list below. It is not guaranteed to be absolutely complete and accurate but is believed to be as nearly so as it is possible to make it.

The compiling of the list required considerable time and careful inquiry on the part of Mr. Harman, and we believe he was assisted to some extent by others who took an interest in the matter.

Peter Joyce 70 Samuel Bozzard 70

James O’Leary 70 George Van Noy 70

Edward Donnelly 71 Anthony Dean 71

Peter Dougherty 71 William Jones 71

John Pardon 72 N. P. Wood 72

William Owen 72 James Ray 72

Patrick Hammel 72 George Rosebush 72

Alonzo Porter 73 Francis Updyke 73

John Quigg 73 M. H. Hann 73

Thomas Ray 73 C. T. Atwell 73

B. C. Brundage 74 Henry Horan 74

D. B. Spaulding 74 Henry Bullard 74

Hale Davis, age 75

S. K. Hale 75 Thomas Sheoh 75

William Snyder 76 Thomas White 76

Jason Bess 76 Jason Casey 76

Thomas O’Donnell 76 Stephen Keough 76

Robert Boyd 77 J. N. Goodwin 77

M. Rice 77 Erastus Baker 77

David Magner 77 Michael Clark 78

George W. Crandall 78 Thomas Harrison 78

Joseph Krusen 79 David Davis 80

Daniel Scribner 80 Leroy C. Davis 81

William Deming 81 Matthew White 82

Anson H. Brewster 82 Lyman Deming 83

William Cane 83 Lewis Green 84

George Perry 83 S. S. Clark 83

Jacob Swink 85 W. B. Clark 86


Loaned from records of Catherine Schuyler Chapter D.A.R.  As Copied by Hazel M. Shear