MRS. HATTIE B. EGGLESTON MOTHER OF MANY Articles taken form the Andover News Submitted by William A. Greene 2007
The Eggleston’s weren’t originally from Andover. Vernan was born in Franklin and Hattie was born in Norwich. They were married on December 8, 1897 and shortly there after came to Andover where he was to be the new preacher to the First Baptist Church. From that time on, they called Andover, their home. Around the year 1900 they purchased the late home of Dr. Crandall and turned it into a sanitarium. Hattie was a nurse and cared for patient’s there with the help of her husband, who was also the manager of the business. Her husband also was in business with James D. Chesseman, who was a druggist. Things went well for about 17 years, and then World War One broke out. Being a man of the cloth Vernan enlisted in the YMCA and was sent to France. There he was sent to the front line and saw much destruction and aided in carrying the wounded and dead off of the battle fields. He also received injuries that would prove fatal in the next few years. He would die on Aug. 3, 1922 in California after 13 months of being bedridden. Hattie was a strong woman and came back to Andover and bought the sanitarium back and opened a maternity home, which she operated for many years. On May 5th, 1934 a party was held in her recognition for having delivered 600 babies over the years. The headlines read:
Celebration in Honor of Mrs. Hattie B. Eggleston’s Service To 600 Babies is Held at Baptist Church.
The May Day party held last Saturday evening, May 5th, at the Baptist church prove to be not only one of the most unique, but also one of the most thoroughly enjoyable events of the season. The party, as was stated in last week’s News, was in celebration of the arrival of the Six Hundredth baby in which Mrs. Hattie Eggleston of this village, “Mother Eggleston” as she is lovingly known in many homes in many states, had been the nurse in attendance. Mrs. Eggleston has welcomed babes to this old world in the states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Colorado, California, North Dakota, Ohio and in the Panama Canal Zone, without the loss of a mother’s life. In addition to the company of 200 guests at the May Day party, Mrs. Eggleston has received over 400 telegrams and congratulatory letters from those unable to be present. A company of 200 guests, the parents and grandparents of Mrs. Eggleston’s babies, were in attendance. Dinner was served at 5:30 and 7:00; the tables were most attractive, center with garden flowers with dainty favors at each plate. An excellent dinner was nicely served by a staff of young ladies, most of whom were among Mrs. Eggleston’s 600 babies. In the center of the dining room a picture of the first babe, now Mrs. Jennie McGuire Hubbard of Grand Rapids, Mich., was displayed. Mrs. Addie Coleman and Mrs. Orris Parker were the only great grandmothers in attendance. The social hour passed rapidly in the pleasure of greeting the numerous out-of-town guests, many of whom were former Andover residents. Hattie continued her work here in Andover for a few more years, until her health started failing and she had to give up working.
Many from Andover owe Hattie “Mother” Eggleston for their lives. Submitted by William A. Greene 2006 Articles from Andover News
The obituaries below are of Mr. and Mrs. Vernan L. Eggleston. They weren’t born here nor did they die here, but Hattie left an impression on Andover that is still felt today, but many do not know it. She had the nickname “Mother” for a very special reason. Hattie was a nurse and worked many years in Andover. She was called “Mother” because she was the officiating nurse at the births of 614 babies born in Andover during her time here. So some of our great grandparents, grandparents and parents are here because of her. This is long before the mothers were put in hospitals to have their children, this is when the doctors and nurses came to the homes and delivered the children there. No painkillers or sterile rooms as of today, just soap and water and natural birthing. I have also included Rev. Vernan Eggleston’s obituary also. He was minister at the Baptist Church here in Andover. During WW I, he enlisted in the Y.M.C.A. (Young Men’s Christian Association) and went to France to help out in anyway he could. He was wounded while removing injured soldiers off of the battlefields and really never recovered from its effects.
“Mother” Eggleston Dies in Cincinnatus
Mrs. Hattie B. Eggleston affectionately known in Andover as “Mother Eggleston”, died early Friday morning, July 27, 1951, at Cincinnatus, N.Y., where she had made her home with her niece, Mrs. Ralph Bennett since 1942. Mrs. Eggleston has been in ill health and a patient sufferer for several years. Mrs. Eggleston was born December 13, 1872, in Norwich, the daughter of William and Elizabeth Chapel Bordon. During her childhood she was completely paralyzed for about three years, an affliction, like many others during her life, she mastered and later graduated as a nurse from the New York City Hospital with the honor of being the first in her class to receive her velvet hat band. December 8, 1897 she was united in marriage with Rev. Vernan L. Eggleston and came to Andover to reside, where Mr. Eggleston was pastor of the Andover Baptist Church, and has since claimed Andover as her home, although her profession has taken her to many parts of the world. Rev. Eggleston died August 3, 1922, in California, the results of injuries received while moving wounded soldiers from the battlefields in World War I, in which he had enlisted in the Y.M.C.A. work. Mrs. Eggleston continued her professional work here, and about the turn of the century operated a sanitarium in what is now known as the Atwood Apartment on Greenwood Street, (big brick house behind the bank) but was forced to give this work up because of her health. She later specialized in maternity and in her last active years operated the Eggleston Maternity Home on Maple Avenue. Mrs. Eggleston has a remarkable record, which has been achieved by few, if any, having officiated as nurse in charge at the birth of 614 babies, and more than that, she never lost a mother and but one babe and that the result of a pre-natal condition. Her first baby was Jennie McQuire, later Mrs. Ward Hubbard of Grand Rapids, Mich. and in several instances she officiated in second generations. A niece, Mrs. Margery Bordon Bennett of Cincinnatus, N.Y., who has cared for her the past nine years and two nephews, Willard and Emmett Ball of California, survives Mrs. Eggleston, the last of a family of ten children. Services were held at Cincinnatus Saturday and at the Andover Baptist Church Sunday afternoon, the Rev. Phillip French of Vestal, N.Y. officiating with interment in Hillside Cemetery, Andover.
Rev. V. L. Eggleston
Memorial services for the late Rev. V. L. Eggleston, A. M. were held at the Baptist Church in this village, Sunday afternoon, at 3 o’clock. The church was filled with those anxious to pay respect to the memory of their departed friend. The profuse floral offerings spoke most emphatically in silent words of the love and esteem in which the deceased was held in this community. The services at the church were conducted by Rev. A. D. Shepard, pastor of the church and Rev. H. D. Bacon, of Portville, who was pastor of the Andover Presbyterian Church for a number of years during Mr. Eggleston’s radiance in this village. Mr. Bacon’s remarks were in the nature of a personal tribute of a friend by a friend and brought out vividly the high character and life that had been lived in this community bye the deceased. Rev. Vernan LeGrand Eggleston was born at Franklyn, N.Y. March 3, 1869, and died at Ontario, California, Aug. 3, 1922. As a youth the deceased was studious, and while a young man chose for his life work the preaching of the gospel. While yet a student at Colgate University, thirty years ago the 24th of last May he was ordained to the gospel ministry. After completing his studies he held pastorates of Baptist Churches at New Berlin, N.Y. and Rensselaer, N.Y., before locating in Andover as pastor of the First Baptist Church twenty-six years ago this fall. He was also state supply pastor of the Andover Seventh-day Baptist Church for a number of years just previous to the outbreak of the World War. Mr. Eggleston was united in marriage on Dec. 8, 1897 to Miss Hattie Borden, coming to Andover to reside and have always claimed Andover as their home since, tho often living temporarily in other places. Mr. Eggleston was a kind and loving husband, and their family life was most happy. During the last thirteen months thru which the deceased was a severe sufferer, the faithful wife herself an experienced nurse, has been by his side constantly ministering to him with all the devotion and care that a loving heart and skilled hands are capable. For several years Mr. Eggleston was a business in Andover, first as manager of the sanitarium and afterwards a number of years in the drug business with James D. Cheeesman. When the World War broke out and the United States was drawn into it, Mr. Eggleston at once began to prepare to do whatever he could do best to help his country. He enlisted with the Y.M.C.A. His ability at once was recognized, and he was most successful in the work. He was secretary over seas at Alsace Border, and Marseilles, France. He worked beyond his strength, while at the front, seeing much of the most intense fighting. While thus engaged carrying in the wounded, he received injuries that remained with him to his death, also contracting Vaquez Disease, with its many complications, which later resulted in his death. After the war closed Mr. Eggleston remained in the Y.M.C.A. work acting as secretary at Hoboken, New York City; Naval Base, Norfolk, Va.; and Cristobal, Canal Zone, Panama. Mr. Eggleston gave his life for his country just as truly as did any of the men who were at the front. He worked until he dropped in the harness, never having been able to be up and dressed in the thirteen months of his illness. Readers of the News have often been edified and delighted with the descriptive articles Mr. Eggleston has written for them of his work in France, and at other times. He was a man of broad mind, always loyal, always congenial, and always holding the love and esteem of his fellow men wherever located. He was always a Christian gentleman, wherever found. Funeral services for Mr. Eggleston were held at the Draper Parlors at Ontario, California, conducted by Re. Earl Smith of the Baptist Church and Rev. Richards of the Presbyterian Church. The Masonic fraternity attending in a body. He was prominent 32nd degree mason, holding memberships with the Panama Canal Zone Consistory, No. 1 and Andover Lodge No. 558 F. & M. He was intensely interested in the fraternal work of the order. Members of the local lodge conducted the Masonic burial ceremony at the grave Sunday afternoon. Most appropriate was the flag decorations at the Church Sunday afternoon, when the Christian flag and the Stars and Stripes were draped together. He had fought and died for both. The interment of his ashes was in Hillside Cemetery, the urn being placed by Frank Langworthy, a co-worker in France, dressed in his overseas uniform.
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Hattie "Mother" Eggleston
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