From Andover News; December 12, 1900 |
SUBMITTED BY William A. Greene 2006
We are pleased to place before our readers this week a half tone of a new and improved curd mill recently invented and patented by Messrs. William F. Snyder and Frank L. Bloss of the Andover Cheese Factory. Although they have had the idea in mind for the past year, it is not until this summer that they have completed the machine and placed it upon the market, and not until this week have they obtained information from Washington that their patents had been granted. The machine in itself is simple in construction, yet of inestimable value as a labor saver. It may be run with either hand or motive power or the manner in which it does its work comes as near perfection as machinery can. Some of the advantages of this mill over any other now in use, is, it retains all the butter fat, which is an item sadly lacking in many of the other mills. This mill cuts the curd into fine cubes, while others tear it apart and thus lose the fats. It is far more durable than any others. It makes the cheese finer and firmer, so that even the cheese buyers are loud in its praise. It is the easiest mill to cleanse, one pail of hot water thoroughly cleansing every part in a moment. After the milk is set the curd is cut into strips as long as one can conveniently handle, and just as wide as the hopper. These are fed into the mill as fast as bundles of grain are fed into a threshing machine. Four hundred pounds of cheese curd can be cut ready for the hoops in five minutes. Last summer W. W. Hall, Secretary of the State Dairy Association, and the expert state cheese-maker, who is employed by the state to hold institutes and give instruction to cheese makers, highly recommends this machine, after seeing it work in the Andover factory. Our townsman, J. M. Hartrum, having purchased one of these mills, and used it in his factory last summer, writes the boys as follows:
Andover, N.Y. Dec. 7, 1900 Snyder & Bloss:
Gentlemen, - After using your curd cutter the past season with such good results, I feel like congratulating you for its invention. Having used many other machines, I think I am competent to judge the merits and demerits. Your cutter gives the curd a clean rotary cut, thereby retaining all butter fat possible, and I cut, with power, 400 pounds in less than five minutes. I would not take one hundred dollars for the one purchased of you last spring if it could not be duplicated. Wishing you success, I remain, Yours truly, J. M. Hartrum.
Arthur Mingus, of the South Andover factory, also has used one the past summer, and pronounces it in every way satisfactory. We are glad that the gentlemen are meeting with such success from the very start and only hope that they will be able to reap the reward of their industry in dollars. The price of their mill is only $18, and all rights are fully protected by patents. Success to their enterprise.
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