A Story of A.M.Burrows & Sons....
Compiled by William A. Greene
(First of all I want to apologize for some of the dates that are used in this story. I have many that are conflicting. I have tried to figure out the right ones and use them. Also there weren’t any newspapers in Andover back when this all started taking place. So I am sorry for any mistakes herein. wag)
Augustus M. Burrows, son of Joseph Periam and Sophia Cook Burrows, was born on November 27, 1848, in Andover, N.Y. His father came here from New Jersey around 1840. Upon arrival he bought and rebuilt a gristmill, which he ran for a number of years. He was a civil engineer and did much surveying all through this part of the county and was a justice for many years. When his father died on May 21, 1859, Augustus was only 10 years old.
When Augustus was 15 (1863) he left school and became a clerk in Dr. Hammond’s store. It is unknown where this was located. Four years later (1867) he changed his job and became a clerk at Daniel S. Bradley’s store, which he held for ten years, and was a partner for the last two years. This store was where the dental center is now located and was opened in 1859 by Mr. Bradley.
Augustus would marry Daniel Bradley’s daughter Roxanna E. in 1871 and to them were born two sons. Arthur B. was born in 1872 and Frank W. came along on March 21, 1876.

In 1877 he and W. W. Miller formed a mercantile house to be known as Burrows & Miller, Mr. Miller was married to Augustus’s wife’s sister Mary R. and they were brothers in-law. They continued in trade and in1884, Mr. Miller, Augustus and their father in-law Daniel S. Bradley, formed a bank to known as “D.S.Bradley & Co., which was located where the Village Office is now located. When Mr. Bradley died on February 23, 1888, the name was changed to “Bradley & Co.
In 1889 Mr. Burrows purchased Mr. Miller’s interests in the store and bank, and from that time on he was proprietor of both establishments. The bank was known as “A.M. Burrows, Bank” and the store known as “Burrows”. With both businesses under the same roof, it was easy to keep track of everything that was going on.
In 1894 it was written in the Andover News that A.M. Burrows was a general merchant and banker, who has been a successful and influential merchant of Andover for a number of years, part of the time being associated in business with other leading citizens, but for the last few years has conducted a fine, large general mercantile establishment alone. This excellent business has always exerted a marked influence in drawing trade to the village. Mr. Burrows is a competent, enterprising merchant. He enjoys the advantages of the best of purchasing facilities. The store is splendidly stocked with large quantities of staple and fancy dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, etc. The bank is known as one of the most substantial private financial institutions of this section, and affords all the advantages of first class banking facilities.

At some point in time in the 1890’s Augustus’s first son Arthur B. went into partnership with his dad. The business became know as “A.M. Burrows & Son”. The bank became know as “Burrow’s National Bank” with son Frank W. becoming head cashier.
Every time there was a write up in the Andover News, A. M. Burrows and his businesses always had very nice things said. He was a very good businessman and also a very good civic leader. Everything he did was for the best interest of his hometown, to which he was always loyal. Without his liberal contribution to the work of the Business Men’s Association, Andover would not have had a silk mill or an enameling plant back in the early 1900’s.
On March 2, 1906 Augustus M. Burrows came home from his office and went upstairs to his bedroom, took out a gun and ended his life. He left no notes nor told anyone as to the reason why. His wife Roxanna died in June 23, 1922 and they are both buried in Valley Brook Cemetery. They lived in the house that Dr. Samuel Scott lived in and had his office. Ada White now owns the house.
Shortly after his death the store changed its name to “A.M. Burrows Sons”.
On or about May 4, 1906 the new Burrows National Bank started circulating its own money. I have not found any other mention of it again, so I can’t tell you how long it lasted.

On August 27, 1912 Arthur B. Burrows passes away. There is no copy of that week’s newspaper so there is no obituary to gather any information. He is also buried in Valley Brook Cemetery along with his wife.
In May of 1917 the Cannon Brothers Purchase the “A.M. Burrows Sons” Dept. Store from Frank W. Burrows. It was the oldest store in Andover.
In July of 1917 Frank turns in his resignation as head cashier at the Burrows National Bank and leaves to go to work in Connecticut with a furniture company.
In December of 1933 the Burrows National Bank and the Andover State Bank merged, forming the Andover National Bank. Everything was moved to the bank on the corner of Main and West Greenwood Streets. After many name changes over the years, the bank is now a member of the Steuben Trust Company.
On March 10, 1966 Frank W. Burrows passed way. He was an alumnus of Amherst College with a B.S. degree and was admitted to the Bank of New York State in 1904. In 1906 he, with his brother, Arthur, reorganized the Private Bank under the name of Burrows National Bank until1917 when he accepted the position of Vice President and Treasurer of Kensington Manufacturing Co., in New York City and continued in that capacity, until 1935 when he returned to Andover and retired from active business.
Mr. Burrows was interested in the civic activities of Andover: he was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Exchange Club and served as a member of the Andover Board of Education in 1954 to 1958. He also served as President of the Andover Free Library Association.
His association with the Andover bank extended over many years and he served as its Vice President and was on the Board of Directors.
He was a director of the Citizens National Bank, following its merger with the Andover institution.
He is buried in Valley Brook Cemetery along with his wife. They lived in the little house to the left of the Burrows National Bank. The house is for sale now.
Today the Village of Andover occupies the old Burrows Bank side of the building. They have been there since May 14, 1934, moving from there from being in a building by the old fire hall and the H.H. William’s Store, on the north end of Main Street.
The store part of the Burrows building has been many things over the years but is now the Andover Dental Center.