Believed to be Tombstone of Michael & Patrick Patten, Andover, NY
This old stone was found behind the Andover Rod and Gun club. It you go to the back of the club house and look south there will be a stand of pine trees there. This is located to the left of these trees about 150 feet up and by an oil jack. It says:
Michael Patten
Patrick Patten
Aug. 17, 1894
1/30/2009 - Lo, and behold, a story has come forth! Below is a story submitted by William A. Greene
Tombstone of Michael and Patrick Patten
Well after all of these years being on the website, an ancestor of the Patten’s has come forth with a story of the stone.
A Byron Patten came from Ireland to the United States and settled in Andover at an unknown date. Then at some point he purchased a parcel of land on the Kilbane Road. There he started a farm. As for a date, we have none, but Byron Patten’s name is on the 1869 Town of Andover map as being the owner of such said property.
Patrick and Michael were son’s of Byron and Nancy Kilbane Patten. At some point in time Patrick died. We have no dates of birth or death on him but he was the first person to be buried in the St. John’s Cemetery. The land for St. John’s Cemetery was purchased in 1856 and it was consecrated in October of 1876. I don’t know if he died between these dates or after. There is no record.
Michael was born September 28, 1865 and died on January 7, 1898 at the age of 33. He also is buried in St. Johns Cemetery, in Andover.
We don’t know for sure, but speculate that on August 17, 1894, Michael missed his brother so much, that he sat down and chiseled their names on the stone so Patrick would never be forgotten and neither would he.
Again, this is all speculation, we will never know the complete story. |