
Bolivar Breeze, Sept. 4, 1896


Two young ladies escaped a fearful accident at the Erie station

at Belmont a few days ago. Miss Mary Hartigan and a friend had driven

in from the country about three miles, the friend intending to take

the train due at 9:30. They hitched the horse to a post near the

platform and started to go into the waiting room. Just then a

terrific explosion, caused by blasting rock in the river bed near by,

frightened the horse, and with a plunge he dashed wildly across the

platform, the carriage behind him.

He ran a short distance down the tracks, when the carriage

became entangled in some switch wire and the frightened animal broke

away tearing across a neighboring cornfield until finally caught on

the street. He was badly injured, and in such a state of

uncontrollable fear it was some time before he could be guided. The

carriage was badly demolished, one wheel being torn off and the dash

board broken to pieces.


from the research of & submitted by Richard Palmer of Syracuse, with thanks