(Transcribed by Mary Rhodes-from "Writings of Emma Lou King", Town of Alma Historian, 1969; Submitted by Sidney & Sandra Cleveland)
By Emma Lou King
The state’s richest five acres of oil land was found in the Township of Alma, lot #18, once owned y Mark Twain’s brother-in-law, Mr. Langdon?
Two oil wells were drilled on the property in 1880. In 1926, Walter McEnroe purchased the old wells. He had nine new wells and eight intake wells drilled and the two old oil wells were rigged for pumping. The wells were 1300 to 1400 ft. deep and were torpedoed with 80 qts. of Nitro. Pressure on the intake wells was increased to 1400 lbs. and peak production was recorded in the third year. There was then a gradual decline in production until the wells were pulled.
For the 92,977.58 bbls.* of oil produced, he received $240,369.85. 13,285.26 bbls. of royalty oil which sold for $34,338.55 went to Miss Susan Breckinridge and Mrs. Fannie McEwen Shaller. Total oil produced was 106,262,84 barrels. which is 21,256 barrels of oil per acre or a cash return of $54,541 per acre. This averages out to 29,852.54 barrels. per acre.