
From Wellsville Daily Reporter, September 22, 1904



Terrible accident in Town of Alma Thursday Night. 

Wellsville, Sept. 16 - A terrible disaster occured at Alma, six miles from Wellsville, Thursday night, when the general store of N. I. Strate was burned to the ground, the building and contents being a complete loss, says a special to the Reporter.

The rooms over the store were occupied by the family of Joseph Griswold, who was absent at work at the time. Mrs. Griswold and her two children were awakened by the flames and the woman was able to save but one of her little children, the little boy three years of age perished in the flames. The fire evidently started in the store below and the flames spread with such rapidity that the few neighbors nearby were unable to render but little assistance. The cause of the fire is unknown.

It is understood that Mr. Strate left the store to go to his farm about twenty minutes before the flames were discovered. Mrs. Griswold and her little baby were rescued from the upper window by neighbors and was nearly suffocated by the flames and smoke.