
Times Evening Herald, Olean 8-3-1933

Allentown Votes $40,000 Bond Issue for School 


Present Building Will Be Enlarged Decided At Annual Meeting

Allentown, Aug.3rd  
Taxpayers of Allentown have voted for an extension of the public school and have authorized the school board to issue bonds in an amount not to exceed $40,000, at the annual school meeting of District 3 held at Allentown.
The program which has been initiated provides the buying of additional land for playground purposes and for the school's furnishing the pupil's books. The proposal to buy the I. B. Lawrence house and lot which are situated next to the school property was
voted down however.
In letting the building contract it has been agreed to employ local labor in so far as possible.
Two trustees were elected, one for three years to succeed Ralph Potter, and one for two years to succeed Elton Swarthout.  Norman Swarthout was elected for three years and Charles York for the two year term. The contest between Elton Swarthout and
Charles York was so close, however that a motion was made by C. C. Neff and duly seconded and carried that Mr. Swarthout would be chosen to succeed a vacancy caused by any resignation.
(Submitted by Donald R. Adams)