Below are two articles published September 28, 1883 by
The Allegany County Reporter
from research & files of the Late Emma Lou King, former Town of Alma Historian.....
From Allegany County Reporter -- Wellsville,NY -- Sept 28, 1883
"O. P. Taylor"
"Barkis is Willing"
"Places His Neck Gently in the Democratic Noose and Asks to be led to Victory or Death"
"The following correspondence explains itself. In last Thursday's issue of the Daily appeared a letter of acceptance, which we judge from Mr. Taylor's appended letter to us he considers to have been a forgery. He is pleased to "suspect" that that letter of acceptance was "handed in from the desk of the Editor of the Reporter." We dislike men of a suspicious nature. If Mr. Taylor will charge outright that we wrote that other letter of acceptance, we won't deny it.
The following is the correspondence:
In a recent issue of your paper you took the liberty to publish what purports to be my letter of acceptance of the nomination for Assembly, which was read by me before I had any official notification that such nomination had been made. I suspect it was "handed in" from the desk of the Editor of The Reporter. I therefore insert now the enclosed letter of acceptance, which I am willing to father. Yours resp, O. P. Taylor"
O.P.Taylor Nominated for the Assembly
The wires at 3:15 p.m. today (Wednesday) bring the glorious news that the new Democratic Assembly baby is at last born! The strain has been great, the labor long and severe, but it is a nice baby.
It is not definitely known, but it is earnestly believed that Mr. Taylor will accept. He is made of the kind of metal that knows no fear, willingly accepts odds, and he will doubless make Mr. Manchester blush in the exhibition of stalwart courage in "standing in" with the boys.
Mr. Taylor was gritty enough to be a boss rebel all through the Rebellion, and sensible enough to accept the result and be as good a Union man since as any man on the job. He has risked more, lost more, won more and done more in the Allegany Oil Field than any other ten men put together.
It is not to be expected that he will come anywhere near an election, but, he will certainly poll a large vote. He is sure of the non-resident vote in the oil districts, and will doubtless get away with a handsome score in his home town.
Let us be thankful that the suffering party did not die in the throes of the demoralizing incubation, and thankful as well that it has hatched a lively chicken. Nichols was our first choice, but General Taylor will do very well. Like "Old Zach," he will fight hard, and like him, will probably never know when he is "licked."