(Only a few are mentioned here; If you have biographies to submit for this page please email them to: )
Riley ALLEN –( Page devoted to Mr. Allen; Click Name for new page) Daniel H. ANDERSON was born in Warren county, NJ, in 1843. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. H 31st Regt. N.J.S.V., and served nine months, the term of his enlistment. In 1872 he went to Parker City, Pa., and was employed as a pumper. In 1874 he commenced as a producer of oil in Clarion county, Pa., and has been in that business ever since. In 1881 he came to Richburg. In 1882 he married Miss Helen JOHNSTON of Edenburg, Clarion county, Pa. In 1884 Mr. Anderson located in Allentown, where he is largely interested in the oil business. Oscar F. BARNES, son of Hiram and Charlotte (ALMY) Barnes, was born May 9, 1835 in Spafford, N.J. In 1855 he came to Wirt and engaged in agriculture. In 1865 he married Lucinda Brandon of Amity and they settled in Scio. Mr. Barnes has held the office of highway commissioner for one term. In 1891 he located in Allentown. Mrs. Charlotte L(Almy) Barnes married second, Lemuel BESSEY and removed to Wirt in 1860, where she died in 1868. Hugh J. COYLE, son of Peter, was born in Scio in 1837. In 1881 he came to Allentown and built a store, and established himself in the mercantile business, which he conducted for seven years. He then sold his store, and engaged in the oil business, forming a partnership with Riley Allen, under the name of ALLEN & COYLE, and has been in the oil business since, operating in both the New York and Ohio oil fields. In 1892 he again went into trade. Mr. Coyle has been town clerk four years and supervisor for 1884-5. In 1885 he married Mary E. CULBERT and has four children. Ittai ELLIOTT, a native of Massachusetts, came to West Almond in 1826, bought a farm, built a log house and made the first clearing. His wife was a Miss Page. Of their 10 children, Jared P. Elliott, the oldest son, was born in 1809, chopped the first fallow on the farm and slept on hemlock boughs. He married Mary SMITH. They had 11 children. He resided on the old farm until about 1864 when he moved to Alma and settled in the south part of the town. He held the office of assessor and highway commissioner of West Almond. He has been justice of the peace two terms and highway commissioner 3 years. His wife died in February, 1890. Henry S. Elliott, son of Jared P., was born on the old homestead at West Almond in 1832. In 1864 he settled in Alma, and has been a farmer and lumberman. He has served as collector for 2 years and assessor for several years. He married Elizabeth Wilson, their children are Julius A., Belle (Mrs. Wells Wyvell), Ward H., Jennie (Mrs. John Riley of Olean). Robert A. McCUTCHEON was born at Big Bend, Pa., in 1857. When he was 12 years old, he commenced to work pumping oil and received $1.25 per day, and has been engaged in the oil business since. When 14, he learned telegraphy, attended Janes’ Academy at Clintonville and high school at Emlenton. He was in the Clarion oil-field from 1876 to 1880, in the Butler oil-field one year, in 1881 went to Bradford, and after remaining three years, in 1884, he came to Allentown as operator and engineer for the National Transit Co., and has been with it since. In 1882, Mr. McCutcheon married Kate RICHARDSON and has 5 children. He is special agent for the Pennsylvania Mutural Life Insurance Co., is a member of Wellsville Lodge No. 230, F. & A. M., Wellsville Chapter R.A.M. No. 143, St. John’s Commandery of Olean No. 24, Ishmalia Temple of the Mystic Shrine at Buffalo. Marshall N. PHILLIPS, son of John, was born Aug. 31, 1822, in Vermont, and when 6 years old came with his father to Bolivar, and in 1846 married Sarah GREEN. Their six children survive. Marshall N. Phillips enlisted in Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt., and was wounded at the battle of Petersburg, Va., June 17, 1864, and died June 21. The G.A.R. Post at Allentown was named for him. Newton PHILLIPS, son of Marshall N., was born in Bolivar in 1847. He enlisted in Co. A, 179th N.Y. Regt, and served two years. He was wounded at the battle of Petersburg, and was discharged in 1865 for disability. He is a member of Marshall Phillips Post No. 6. In December, 1876 Newton Phillips married Phebe PERRY of Sharon, Pa., they have 3 children. Mr. Phillips has been in company with his brother, Newell, since 1880, as an oil producer and has 48 wells. He has been supervisor two years (1888-9), is amember of Wellsville Lodge, F.&A.M. No. 230, Wellsville Chapter, Olean Commandery and Mystic Shrine of Buffalo. Robert R. RUSSELL was born in Homer in 1824. He came to Alma in 1843, bought the farm where he now resides, made the first clearing on it and built his loghouse. January 1, 1849, he married Ada E., daughter of Wilson PHILLIPS. They had 4 children, all are living. Mr. Russell worked in the first steam sawmill erected in the county 50 years ago. In 1862 he enlisted in Co. H. 160th Regt. N.Y.S.V., was taken prisoner at Cedar Creek, Oct. 19, 1864, and was detained as prisoner until about March 1, 1865. He was in all the engagements in which his regiment took part and was discharged June 5, 1865. Mr. Russell has held the office of highway commissioner, assessor and other town offices. Lagrand A. TUTTLE, son of Caleb, was born near Windsor, N.Y., Oct. 11, 1854. In 1856 his father came to Scio, and when a boy Lagrand was clerk in a store in Scio for 4 years. In 1878, he went to Rixford, Pa., and established himself as a merchant. The next year he purchased a variety store, which was burned in 1880, Mr. Tuttle losing about $2,000. In 1883 he came to Allentown, and was in trade 4 years. He then commenced business as an oil producer, which he still continues. He has been notary public since 1883, was appointed postmaster in 1894, is a member of Macedonia Lodge No. 258, F. & A. M. of Bolivar, and Bolivar Chapter. In 1879 he married Lillian, daughter of Sherman S. PERKINS of Scio. He is also a member of St. John’s Commandery, No. 24 of Olean, N.Y. William A. VANCE, a native of Butler county, Pa., was born in 1847. In 1866 he commenced dressing tools in the Pennsylvania oil field, and was drilling and pumping until 1877, when he commenced producing oil in the Butler field and was engaged in that vicinity until 1883 when he came to Alma. Here he drilled 18 wells for Anderson, Otis & Co., and wells for other parties. Since 1884 he has been in the business for himself. Mr. Vance has held many town offices, highway commissioner for three years, assessor, constable and overseer of the poor. He is a member of Wellsville Lodge, No. 230 F. & A. M. Mr. Vance married in 1871 Emma S. THOMPSO
VINCENT, BENJAMIN & FAMILY (press) George S. WILSON, son of Clark, was born in Groton, N.Y., Oct. 22, 1818. He came to Wellsville in 1852, engaged in lumbering and built a shinglemill on Brimmer Brook. In 1857 he located about five miles south of Allentown, buying a sawmill on Centre book, which he converted into a steammill and ran until 1892. He bought the Central House, Allentown, which he conducts, in 1893. He was the first Republican elected supervisor of Alma serving three terms. He has held most of the town offices, been justice many years, and often a delegate to county and other conventions. Alva G. YORK came to Scio with his father, Barnabas York, in 1808, when a child. They were among the pioneers of the town. Alva G. York married Amy WELCH. Their children were Dr. Edgar, who was in the 85th Regt. N.Y.S.V., was in a rebel prison, now lives in Kansas, Delos and Thomas died in the army, John died about 1860, Alva B. and Delight, who married Frank Vosburg and died in 1888. Mr. York died in 1892, his wife in 1864. Alva B. York, son of Alva G., was born in Scio, in May, 1845. He worked for his father who was a lumberman for some years. In January, 1864, he enlisted in Co. I, 109th Regt. N.Y.S.V., and was discharged Aug. 6, 1865. He was a charter member of Hallett Post of Belmont. In 1868, he married Marie, daughter of Wm. L. NORTON. They have four children. Mr. York removed from Scio in 1882 to Allentown. He was justice of the peace four years in Scio, and four years in Alma, and has been postmaster of Allentown for five years, and is an oil producer. He is a member of Wellsville Lodge and Chapter F. & A. M., St. John’s Commandery of Olean No. 24.