
Transcribed by Karen Meisenheimer.
Canaseraga Times, June 25, 1909

Grade Entertainment.

The grade entertainment was a new feature of the Canaseraga high school, heretofore the grades have given their entertainment in connection with Commencement.  It proved to be such a success Monday evening that it is to be hoped it may be repeated another year.  Kingston opera house was filled to its utmost capacity and everyone felt well repaid for the effort they put forth in going out that warm night.

    The exercises were opened with a selection from the orchestra, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Mehlenbacher, Messrs. Jake Tuchler and Walter Bacon, who also played several selections during the evening.  Next came the parasol drill by the third and fourth grades, under the direction of Miss Sleggs.  Six girls, Thelma Linzy, Edith Bacon, Anna Scott, Josephine Bennett, Ivy Nicholls and Erma Boylan, all dressed in white, appeared with their white parasols.  Then came six boys dressed in rubber boots, rain coats and carrying umbrellas.  They were Lloyd Cornell, Glena Wentwerth, LeClair Wheaton, Ben Wheeler, Chester Bennett and Walter France.  As the girls reappeared they had left their parasols and the boys were obliged to share their umbrellas with them.

    A recitation “The Duel” by Elizabeth Sleggs, after which the Japanese drill took place by members of the fifth and sixth grades, directed by Miss Rowley.  The participants were Ruth Scott, Viola Bishop, Lena Wheaton, Marion FitzPatrick, Dorothy Craig, Rowena Rowe, Blanch Carnes, Genevieve Luce, Lelah Boylan, Ethel Linzy, Helen Miller and Cora Ames.

    Next came a recitation, entitled “It and Little Willie,” by Archie Wheaton.  This was followed by the garden play by the first and second grades under the direction of Mrs. Bluestone.  The gardeners first appeared and planted the seeds, they were Chas. Brown, Walter Shay, Asa Wheaton, Harlo Wheeler, Marlon Karas, Olin LaMonte and Allen Davidson.  Mother Nature, Vera Mehlenbacher, did her part and the blossoms appeared, Butter Cup, Marie Murray, nasturtium, Olive Cornell, white lily, Ruth Taylor, forget me not, Mary Scott, pretty pink, Florine Rowe, red rose, Ona LaMonte, Jack is the pulpit, Glen Rowe.  Visitors to the garden were Mildred Luce and Mary Sick, The sunbeam fairy, was Phyllis Scott and Bernice Lyke was raindrop fairy.  These girls were dressed in crepe paper dresses the color of the flower they represented.  Then appeared Dana Wentworth, Legrand Rowe, Douglas Scott, Neil O’Donnell and Harry Hampton as bachelor buttons.  Joseph Carney gave a recitation entitled “A Letter from the Farm.”  The most excellent program closed with a play “Bridget’s Investment” by members of the 7th and 8th grades with Miss Van Deventer as directress.  The Mistress of the House, Miss Flossa Burdick, Bridget the Maid, Ruth Gardner, she was interrupted in her work by three calls, Homer Waite, Dealton Nicholls and William Wheeler, the first two were unable to sell their wares, but William, more used to the business, persuaded her to purchase ten pounds of tea and thus procure an organ which had failed to arrive at the class.  The accompanists were Miss. Bluestone, Miss Lorane Bluestone and Miss Wheeler.  Each one took their part exceedingly well and were loudly applauded.  The teachers deserve much credit for their efforts in making this entertainment such a success.