From Belmont Dispatch, June 24, 1910.
Transcribed by Joseph Damiano.
Nine Graduates Received Diplomas
The Class Exercises on Tuesday Evening, June 26th, were Delightful.
Commencement on Wednesday
Rev. Walters of Bradford, Addressed Large Audience--Rev. Jerome King Delivered Baccalaureate Sermon Sunday Evening.
The Commencement exercises held at the high school this week have been largely attended and very entertaining. An excellent Baccalaureate sermon was preached in the high school auditorium Sunday evening by Rev. Jerome Kates, Director of St. Phillips church. The services were opened with a chorus, directed by Miss Davis, which was followed by a prayer by Rev. David Street. Abide With Me was sung by everyone.
Rev. Kates delivered a sermon full of inspiration.
A song was sung by the Baptist church choir and at the close of the benediction was given by Rev.Street. Ferns and daisies where used in decorating the auditorium.
The hall was more elaborately decorated on Tuesday evening for the Class Day exercises. The back of the stage was solid with ferns, through which were scattered white daisies in the center of this mass of […?] of the class of 1910. The front of the stage was a bank of ferns with bouquets of daisies and ropes of daisies were hand from the center of the ceiling of the hall to the aisles below separating the reserved seats.
The Senior and Junior Classes were seated on the stage and the program was begun by the President, Miss Florence Hall, who addressed the Juniors, Clayton Morehouse of the Juniors responding Miss Hall's much kind advice to their successors was very graciously acknowledged by Mr Morehouse.
The motto of the class, " In Vitam Progredere" ("Advice in Life") was the subject of Miss Minnie Clark's essay.
Miss Reba Carmer, the class poet, very ably pictured her class mates in verse.
By Miss Bertha Leilous, the graduate having the highest average standing in her Regent's examinations,w as given the Honor Essay and her subject was " Silent Influences".
Junior class song was sung by the five members of that class, Misses Leona Saunders, Gladys Colligan and Ruth Carmer and Messrs. Clayton Morehouse and Alfred [Barnerson?], accompanied by Miss Winifield Rice.
The Class History was given by Miss Mary Vanderhoef, who revealed to the public many trials and tribulations of the class during the past four years, which until now have been unknown.
The honor of the Valedictory was given Miss Cecile Colligan, the graduate having the largest number of Regent's counts.
This essay was followed by the Senior Class Song, sung by the graduates accompanied by Miss Marcia Wallace.
The privilege of bequeathing the effects of the Class of 1910 was [unselfishly] given the only boy of the class, Wallace Davis, whose division of the property seemed very just. While the hall was being darkened and the state re-arranged, Miss Eleanor Casterline rendered a piano solo, Mendelssohn’s Hunting Song.
When the curtain went up, Miss Margaret Whitcomb, seated alone in her room in 1935, was reading a newspaper. Of a sudden she realized that fifteen years ago that night was Class Night at the Belmont High School. Her reveries of her [classmates] prompted her to read letters received at different times from them […?] that memorable occasion. As she read each letter, a living picture […?] on a screen at the back of the […?]. Her prophecy, “Reveries […?] was very […?] and […?]
The […?] exercises were held on Wednesday evening. The program follows:
Piano Solo- Polanaise Op.24 No.3, Chopin……. Mrs. Evelyn Barney. Address by Rev. J. M Walters, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of Bradford, Pa.
Piano Duet- Movement of the Milltary, Symphonle by Haydn. Mrs. Brown and Miss Rice.
The High School Orchestra played two selections before the program and one at the close.
The address given by Rev. Walters was on the theme " That our Sons may be as Flowers, not as Weeds," and was listened to with much interest by his bearers , who regretted very much that Mr.Walter's talk was so brief.
Miss Helen VanCampen, a member of the class of 1901 presented to Miss Eleanor Casterline the medal for having the highest average standing and for earning the most Regent's counts the past year.
Principal E.L Campbell addressed the senior class and presented the diplomas to the nine graduates, Misses Florence Hall, Bertha Leilous, Reba Carmer, Mary Vanderhoet, Margaret Whitcomb, Eleanor Caterline, Minnie Clark, Cecile Colligan and Wallace Davis.