
From Wellsville Allegany County Reporter June 25, 1909.
Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith.

Belmont, June 24-This is Commencement Week and the annual sermon was given by Rev. A. A. [Crow?] Sunday evening at the Chapel in the High School Building.

On Monday evening occurred the Class Day exercises, when the graduation class presented the following program in a very pleasing manner to a good sized audience.

Address to the Juniors, Margaret Button
Response to the Seniors, Mary Vanderhoof
Class Poem, Estelle Graham
Class History, Mae Corbin
Junior Class Song,
Oration on the Class Motto, Columbus Beach
Senior Will, Marina Van Campen
Senior Song.

Tuesday evening the address to the graduates was given by Rev. Asa Sprague Ashley of Hornell. Then followed the presentation of diplomas and the work of the school year of 1908-1909 was closed.