From Wellsville Allegany County Reporter June 28, 1901.
Transcribed by Yvonne E. Smith.
The commencement exercises took place in the high school chapel Wednesday evening. The invocation was rendered by Rev. Clatlin [possibly Rev. Glatlin] in the place of Rev. J. M Forbes. There were eleven graduates. The diplomas were presented by Prof. C. S. Munson and Virgil Willard of the Courier made a few remarks reminding them of the occasion and giving some good advice to the graduates. The high school medal which was given for the first time this year for having the highest per cent in studies, deportment, etc., was won by Miss Bessie Browning. Mrs. Hamilton Ward gave out the prizes which were awarded for the best written essays, Miss Grace Mariner winning the gold medal as 1st prize and Miss Bessie Browning a book as 2nd prize, by the Catherine Schuyler Chapter, D.A.R. of Allegany county. The judges were Mrs. Alfred S. Brown, Wellsville; Mrs. Robert Armstrong, Cuba; Miss Emma Palmer, Belmont.