From the Wellsville Daily Reporter, June 26, 1905.
Transcribed by Joseph Damiano.
The Commencement exercises of the High School Thursday evening were exceptionally fine, each member of the class who took part doing themselves credit. The class was composed of the following persons: Harriet L Clark, Evelyn Vanderhoef, Amy Barnetson, Frances Morehouse, Mildred Hildreth, Grace Simos, Daniel Tefft and Norman Benuey. Besides the diplomas conferred there were three special prizes awarded as follows: Miss Amy Bartnetson won the prize given by the class for the best scholarship attendance, etc., during the year. Miss Floy Morehouse the D.A.R. medal for best essay, and Miss Maud Gorton was awarded the medal given by the Principal for the best advancement in English during the year. The music furnished by the Bradt orchestra was fine and a crowded house give good attention from start to finish.