Advertisement from Andover(NY) News 1-22-1904
The above Time Table of the New York & Pennsylvania (NYP) Railroad was obtained from the Whitesville News, 3/2/1896.
The following Contributed by Richard Palmer
July 26, 1895
New Railroad Incorporated.
Albany, July 22: - The New York & Pennsylvania Railroad was incorporated today with a capital of $300,000 to run a steam road from Willing, Allegany County, through the towns of Independence, same county; West Union, Greenwood and Canisteo, Steuben Co., and terminating in Hornellsville. The directors are Theodore and William Cobb, Spring Mills; W.S. Chase, Whitesville; J.N. Peck, Coudersport, Pa.; W.H. Crittenden, Oswayo, Pa.; G.M. Webster, Greenwood; William Schuman and B.M. Cornell, Hornellsville, and William G. Porter, Canisteo.
Sept. 22, 1895
The New York & Pennsylvania has been graded to Rexville and the iron will soon be laid. It is not likely that the road will be extended to either Canisteo or Hornellsville at least for the present.
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, Dec. 10, 1901
The new extension of the New York & Pennsylvania railroad from Shingle House to Ceres, five miles, was opened for traffic yesterday, giving the New York & Pennsylvania a through line from Canisteo to Ceres, fifty-seven miles. At Canisteo the New York & Pennsylvania connects with the Erie railroad, at Ceres, with the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern, making a valuable feeder for both the Erie and Shawmut lines.
During the past two years many manufacturing plants have located in the Oswayo valley, along the line of he New York & Pennsylvania, for the purpose of working up the hardwood forests that cover the hills. At Shingle House, which is located in the famous Potter county gas belt, one of the largest glass factories in the world is building; the plant covers nine acres and will use a million feet of gas a day. Natural gas is furnished to the plant the first year for three cents per thousand, and the ten-year contract calls for gas at an average price of about six cents.
An unlimited amount of glass rock, that is 92 percent silica, lies a few miles out of Shingle House, on one of the hills. Through trains will be run from Canisteo to Ceres and connection made with the Shawmut Line passenger trains from Bolivar for Olean. The New York & Pennsylvania will use the Shawmut yards, water tank and station at Ceres, and for the present F.H. Call will act as agent at Ceres for both roads.
The last strip of oil region, narrow-gauge railroad in New York state is being ripped up, and within a month the narrow gauge division of the Shawmut Line, eighteen miles in length, connecting Bolivar and Olean, will have disappeared. The gauge has already been widened out to White House, where the Shawmut line crosses the Buffalo division of the Pennsylvania, and work is well underway on the strip between White House and Olean, a distance of seven miles.
The standard gauge line between White House and Bolivar has been constructed on a new survey, the grades and curves have been eliminated and the rails are 85-pounders. The steam shovel is working in a twenty-acre gravel pit between Bolivar and Ceres, and two work trains are hurrying along the grade. The work of construction is in charge of Colonel F.P. Byrne of Detroit, president of the Interior Construction Company; and A.G. McComb, of Bradford, chief of the engineer corps of the Shawmut Line, lays out and directs the work of the forces. About 150 Italians are working on the grade.
When the new line is in operation, the running time from Bolivar to Olean will be reduced from one hour and ten minutes to thirty-five minutes, and the freight and passenger service both materially improved. With the coming of spring, it is expected that the line between Bolivar and Angelica, twenty miles, which line had been surveyed and cross-staked, and right of way secured, and the line between Larrabee and White House will be pushed to an early completion, thus realizing the dream of the owners of the Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern, a trunk line from their bituminous coal properties in Pennsylvania to Central New York and the lake beyond.
The narrow gauge iron will be shipped to the company's mines in Pennsylvania, for use on new mine lines that are being constructed. The assistant auditor's office at Angelica has been abolished, and the work will all be done hereafter at the main office in St. Marys. Assistant Auditor E.B. Tilden and his clerks have been ordered to report to St. Marys.
Bolivar Breeze,
Feb. 26, 1903
Report That a New Railroad Was to be Built from Millport to Ceres is a Mistake.
An item has appeared in a number of our exchanges to the effect that a charter has been granted and a new railroad was to be built from Sharon [Penn.] to Ceres to connect with the Shawmut Line.
No new line will be built. The charter taken out was for the Sharon & Ceres railroad which has been in operation for over a year. When the road was built the fact that it would extend over into New York about 1,200 feet at the Ceres end was overlooked, and no charter was taken out in this state.
Recently the attention of the owners of the road was called to the fact by the tax department and so a charter was taken out. The Sharon & Ceres railroad is leased to the New York & Pennsylvania railroad, the ownership of the latter line being in dispute and the matter still before the courts.
The New York & Pennsylvania railroad operates 52 miles of line from Canisteo to Ceres and a strong effort is now being made to secure the location of industries that will produce tonnage along the line. Oswayo [Penn.] is trying to secure cement works and Shingle House [Penn.] is after an enameling works.
The railroad officials are also inducing the farmers along the Oswayo valley to raise more potatoes and cattle for shipment to the eastern markets. The soil along the Oswayo valley hills is peculiarly adapted to growing potatoes and those who have tried it on a large scale have met with gratifying results. The road is now operated under the direction of George R. Brown of Canisteo as receiver. Mr. Brown is a thorough railroad man, having for 22 years been manager of the Fall Brook railroad.