The Wellsville & Buffalo RR leased all property used for Railroad purposes that the Finance Corp received from B&S Railway. They in turn leased themselves to the B&S Railroad. B&S Railroad through the lease obtained 200-40 ton coal cars, 13 locomotives and 14 passenger cars for $10,000 per year. The same personnel as used by B&S Railroad Corporation was used by Wellsville & Buffalo.
The Wellsville & Buffalo Railroad was incorporated on December 10, 1915 and only lasted until November 17, 1916. Operating at a loss the management closed the road and dismantled.
The price of scrap was high because of war in Europe . Little time was wasted in taking up the line. The Czar of Russia was in need of railroad equipment and the rail and a few locomotives were readied to ship to His Imperial Majesty. Due to political unrest in Russia the shipment was delivered to France . It is said that all this was then sunk to the Atlantic floor with help of one of the Kaiser’s u-boats.
Although bridges were left standing as late as the early 1940’s and rumors abounded about potential use by the NY Central and South Buffalo Railroad. Nothing materialized.
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