
Andover News - Interesting Story

Andover News March 12th, 1926
Submitted by William A. Greene  2007

It is Predicted That it Will Soon be in General Use on All Lines.

Will the oil-electric locomotive, the latest invention of the engineers of the Ingersoll – Rand Company, supplant the steam – driven engines?  The owners predict it will.

The oil – electric locomotive follows years of experimentation, has conclusively demonstrated because of its efficiency and economy in operation, it is ready to take up the burden which heretofore has been borne by the steam engine, the Ingersoll – Rand people unhesitatingly declare.

Leading engineers predict this new giant of the rails will, within the next few years assume rank alongside the Rocket, as marking a new era in the history of transportation, and will, within a short time, be in common use on all the leading railroads of the country.

Great headway has been made by oil engines of various descriptions, during the past few years.  They have supplanted many of the coal – burning engines, where the great power required in a railroad engine was not needed.

The Ingersoll – Rand people believe they have an engine burning oil that is more powerful than the steam engine, and one much more economical.